Written by Rev. Mary Johnson for the Native American International Caucus 2021 used by permission. Rev. Johnson has given permission to share this litany prayer far and wide for churches gathering for Justice for Our Children Healing for Our Communities and Day of Remembrance services and events. Please include the above citation in your worship materials or presentations. ![]()
This is a worship liturgy and a Power Point first presented on April 19, 2020 for the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference CoNAM of the United Methodist Church. It presents Native American women who accomplished much but remain invisible. This presentation tells their stories of tenacity, determination, and spirit. Feel free to use the prayer and/or presentation with permission and citations found within the presentation.
Liturgy of Remembrance of Missing and Murdered Indigenous WomenOriginally written for a worship service and program recognizing and educating participants about the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, You have permission to use the liturgy and adjust it to your context with proper citations as contained within the document. ![]()
Liturgieshttps://www.umcdiscipleship.org/calendar/event/native-american-ministries-sunday https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/resources/native-american-ministries-sunday Sermon StartersInformation about NAMShttps://www.umc.org/en/content/native-american-ministries-sunday-ministry-article
https://www.umc.org/en/content/native-american-ministries-sunday-did-you-know-landing-page http://www.umcgiving.org/ministry-articles/native-american-ministries-sunday https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/april-11-2021-2nd-sunday-of-easter-native-american-ministries-sunday-next-week www.resourceumc.org/en/content/april-18-2021-3rd-sunday-of-easter-nams-today https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/2021-nam-sunday-email-copy-1 https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/2021-nam-sunday-email-copy-2 https://www.umcdiscipleship.org/equipping-leaders/native-american At the 2015 Upper New York Annual Conference, members participated in an Act of Repentance & Healing of Relationships with Indigenous Persons. As fruit of that repentance, a resolution was passed to move away from honoring Christopher Columbus who treated Native Peoples cruelly and inhumanely and move to a place of honoring Native Peoples. Turning away from our frequent refusal to listen to history from the perspective of Native Peoples, we understand that repentance is a choice to grow in the way we see ourselves and others. We live in a spirit of repentance as we explore a change in how we tell and celebrate the story of the Americas. Upper New York Annual Conference offers this liturgy to all local churches for use on a Sunday near the weekend our country traditionally celebrates Columbus Day. Let us re-purpose this holiday to honor Native Peoples. ![]()
The liturgy for remembering your baptism used at the NEJNAMC Annual Meeting can be found here. You have permission to use the liturgy and adjust it to your context with proper citations as contained within the document. ![]()
Visit the Smithsonian NMAI link below to find lectures for use in church.
This is a great resource that gives you access to resources from lectures with storytelling to healthcare issues to art and fashion, mascots and the sand creek massacre. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC98mlqOY5HGNl5wrWS52F9A |
October 2021
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With God’s grace and guidance, the NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES COMMITTEE will serve as the body that gathers to listen to and support fellow Native United Methodists, partners with all Native Peoples, educates non-Natives, and advocates for Native issues with our strong Native communities in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and beyond.