Report to NEJNAMC on attending the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Sharon Schmit UNY CoNAM & Treasurer for NEJNAMC Executive CommitteeReflecting on my experience, I now have a question. How do we help raise the voice of our native brothers and sisters’ stories to a level that those in power will hear and respond with meaningful actions? The testimonies shared brought home the need for every member of the United Methodist Church to continue raising awareness of injustices and to stand in solidarity with our Native brothers and sisters. Read more in the official report below. ![]()
The Ongoing Act of Repentanceby Patricia Parent, |
October 2024
With God’s grace and guidance, the NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES COMMITTEE will serve as the body that gathers to listen to and support fellow Native United Methodists, partners with all Native Peoples, educates non-Natives, and advocates for Native issues with our strong Native communities in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and beyond.