by Verna ColliverEPA CoNAM Secretary ![]() Elizabeth Rule, American University professor, spoke at the Clarke Forum on Contemporary Issues, Dickinson College, October 26, 2021. EPA CoNAM attended the forum. The ongoing efforts toward “Seeking Justice for Murdered & Missing Indigenous Women” were the focus of a talk by Elizabeth Rule, assistant professor of critical race, gender, and cultural studies at American University and a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, given at Dickinson College on October 26, 2021.
NOW ONLINEA Course of Study Program Under the accreditation of the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education to apply: More information: Continuing Education Units also available!The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition hosts ongoing webinars their 2021 Webinar Series is entitled "Boarding School Healing: Mind, Body, Heart, and Spirit" the next one is scheduled for June 16th register here for this and future webinars.
The EPA CONAM has prepared a video on Voter Suppression in Indian Country that was presented at their Annual Conference in 2021. Please feel free to use it for educational and legislative purposes. The members of EPA CONAM express many thanks to Rev. Thom White Wolf Fassett for his wonderful narration.
Video Presentation outlining contributions of Outstanding Native Americans Today Available for useWe Are Still Here: Outstanding Native Americans Today presented on May 2, 2021 and produced by the Eastern Pennsylvania United Methodist Conference Committee on Native American Ministries is available for use for education and worship.
The archived videos and resources from this informative conference originally held August 6, 13, and 20, 2020 Online are now available! This conference offered by the Indigenous Values Initiative and the American Indian Law Alliance will connect the dots between our current pandemic, environmental devastation, the Doctrine of Discovery, and a way forward. View the Conference sessions and download papers HERE. July 29, August 5, August 12, 2020With the generous support of the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) presents a three-part webinar series exploring the ongoing legacy of the U.S. Indian Boarding School era.
Indigenous Pathways is a non-profit charitable organization whose purpose is to provide practical support to Indigenous people, their families and communities via its two program frameworks, iEmergence and NAIITS: An Indigenous Learning Community. Through these two platforms and their various component parts, we facilitate the health and well-being of Indigenous people through an improved capacity to effectively respond to contemporary challenges. Our aim is to create a better future. For More information go HERE.
For Resources go HERE. This is a video from a special program presented on April 19, 2020 for the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church CoNAM. For a copy of the presentation go HERE.
National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE
Please call this line if you have experienced sexual assault and wish to speak to someone, no matter when the assault happened. The line is open 24/7 For Native Communities by Native Communities, StrongHearts Native Helpline: 1-844-7NATIVE This helpline is a domestic violence helpline for American Indians and Alaska Natives that provides culturally appropriate support. The line is open from 7am – 10pm CT Native American Methodism in Oklahoma
"Who Is My Neighbor?" is a 26-minute documentary produced in conjunction with the Acts of Repentance toward Healing Relationships with Indigenous Peoples conducted at General Conference in 2012 and at Oklahoma Annual Conference in 2016. The documentary tells the history of the complex relationship between Native Americans and the Methodist Church, why the General Conference performed the 2012 Act of Repentance, and how United Methodists can work toward reconciliation with their Native American neighbors. To Obtain the DVD, Download the Study Guide and view extra videos go to Studies, Webinars, Podcasts, & Interactive workshops
Reclaiming Native Truth Project
Begun in 2016 to Dispel America’s Myths and Misconceptions, Native Truth provides a wealth of knowledge and educational materials based in ongoing research concerning shifting cultural understanding through focus groups, social media, political elites, and literature reviews. Click here for more information, research and educational materials, and free guides for non-Native Allies and Native Stakeholders. The Yuchi Language Project is challenging non-Natives to ... "Decolonize Your Mind... One Word at a Time". In 2018 Yuchi language students sent a message on gOchathla ÔzEOagafa - Indigenous Peoples Day 2018 that challenged viewers to become language warriors and language healers on the eve of the International Year of Indigenous Languages designated by the United Nations as 2019. yUdjEha aKAyôya, yUdjEhalA'wAdA! Watch and be inspired to commit to learning and speaking Yuchi and other Indigenous languages around the world as part of this revitalization movement. VBS serves as Native American immersion experienceBy Ginny Underwood, First published in UMNewsWhen children walked into St. John United Methodist Church’s vacation Bible school in Bridgeton, New Jersey, on Aug. 13, many could identify with the lessons. The curriculum is tailored around the traditional teachings of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape and other Native American tribes.
AOR DVD ResourceWalking the Trail of Repentance & Healing with Indigenous Persons . This Act of Repentance Study guide accompanies the curriculum videos which can be found here along with other resources for ongoing education including STORIES FROM THE CIRCLE OF LIFE ![]()
Politics of Religion—Native Spirituality & Christian PracticePolitics of Religion—Native Spirituality & Christian Practice
In this Weber Memorial Lecture from 2018, Rev Dr Thom White Wolf Fassett explores Native American history, culture, religion, and law and focus on current interpretations of Western Christian experience related to family, community, and the integrity of Creation. Dr. Thomas White Wolf Fassett shares insights into the destruction of Native cultures and the erosion of Christian authenticity leading to current public policies and politics of greed with a message of hope from Native Spiritual worldview. Mascots LetterIn 2018 Kae Woodruff Wilbert, Cherokee and Chair of the UNY CoNAM sent a letter to a local school concerning their mascot which mocked Indigenous Peoples. It is provided here as a template which can be adjust and used. For example resolutions see our Resolutions page ![]()
Giving Our Hearts Away
Rev. Thom White Wolf Fassett’s book Giving Our Hearts Away, is a workbook with DVD companion video, published in 2008 for a United Methodist Women Mission Study course on Native Americans. Update companion to the book can be found here. Watch: Stories from the Circle of Life Here |
With God’s grace and guidance, the NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES COMMITTEE will serve as the body that gathers to listen to and support fellow Native United Methodists, partners with all Native Peoples, educates non-Natives, and advocates for Native issues with our strong Native communities in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and beyond.