Native American Methodism in Oklahoma
"Who Is My Neighbor?" is a 26-minute documentary produced in conjunction with the Acts of Repentance toward Healing Relationships with Indigenous Peoples conducted at General Conference in 2012 and at Oklahoma Annual Conference in 2016. The documentary tells the history of the complex relationship between Native Americans and the Methodist Church, why the General Conference performed the 2012 Act of Repentance, and how United Methodists can work toward reconciliation with their Native American neighbors. To Obtain the DVD, Download the Study Guide and view extra videos go to
With God’s grace and guidance, the NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES COMMITTEE will serve as the body that gathers to listen to and support fellow Native United Methodists, partners with all Native Peoples, educates non-Natives, and advocates for Native issues with our strong Native communities in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and beyond.