Politics of Religion—Native Spirituality & Christian PracticePolitics of Religion—Native Spirituality & Christian Practice
In this Weber Memorial Lecture from 2018, Rev Dr Thom White Wolf Fassett explores Native American history, culture, religion, and law and focus on current interpretations of Western Christian experience related to family, community, and the integrity of Creation. Dr. Thomas White Wolf Fassett shares insights into the destruction of Native cultures and the erosion of Christian authenticity leading to current public policies and politics of greed with a message of hope from Native Spiritual worldview.
With God’s grace and guidance, the NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION NATIVE AMERICAN MINISTRIES COMMITTEE will serve as the body that gathers to listen to and support fellow Native United Methodists, partners with all Native Peoples, educates non-Natives, and advocates for Native issues with our strong Native communities in the Northeastern Jurisdiction and beyond.